
Help create resilient and equitable communities

Community development isn’t a one-size fits all endeavor

Community development is so much more than blueprints and zoning. It’s about cultivating spaces where people can flourish. Spaces with enough green space to play and relax. Spaces that offer economic opportunities that allow people to realize their dreams and aspirations. Places where people have access to quality, 具有文化响应性的食物, 教育, 医疗保健, 和住房. 太阳城娱乐城, you will learn about the power structures that shape community spaces, and how to create processes in which community members have a say in those power structures.

Change happens at the speed of trust

Community development happens in the context of relationships. As practitioners, we can’t impose our own visions on communities. 而, through community-engaged learning, students collaborate with community members and other stakeholders to understand each community’s unique strengths, and then collectively create strategies so that people’s dreams can take root and grow.

Be a partner in a community’s transformation

Grounded in principles and practices of ethical community engagement, we provide students with knowledge and skills in finance, 项目管理, 监控 & evaluation, geo-spatial analysis, and non-profit leadership. These skills are needed to be a practitioner who can be a partner and ally in a community’s transformation.

Department of Sustainability and Social Justice

Our degrees inspire you to develop equitable solutions to urgent social, 政治, 生态挑战. Through our program, students are equipped to build a more just and sustainable world.

  • 加深你的知识 of community development challenges
  • 培养关键技能 to catalyze institutional change
  • 跨学科协作 to understand and address complex social-ecological challenges
  • G真实世界的经验 to build professional skills and knowledge

Critical Knowledge, Skills, and Experience:
The Community Development and Planning Curriculum

课程的特点 10 12-unit实践 12-unit研究
Required Core Courses: Degree Specific 2 2 2
可持续性研究 1 1 1
Social Change and Institutional Transformation 1 1 1

  • 项目管理
  • 监控 & 评价
  • 组织的领导
  • 空间分析
2 3 1
调查方法 & 科目选修课 1.5 – 2 1.5 – 2 2.5 – 3
区间的分析 0.5 – 1 0.5 – 1 0.5 – 1
Principles and Ethics in Community Engagement
0.5 0.5 0.5

  • 工作室课程
  • Summer Global Learning Collaboratives
  • 实习
1 2 1
指导研究 0 0 1
论文写作 0 0 1



10 track completed in three semesters (Fall or Spring start)

12-unit研究 track completed in four semesters, with students conducting primary research in the summer between their two years of study (Fall start only)

12-unit实践 track completed in four semesters, with students engaging in a Global Learning Collaborative, either domestically or internationally (Fall start only)



Our alumni work locally and globally to make a difference in the fields of youth and 教育, 食品安全, 城市规划, 经济适用房发展, economic and workforce development, 公共卫生. They bring a focus on equity and social justice to their many and varied roles:

  • 经济事务副主任 & 员工发展, Federal Reserve Bank (N)ew York
  • 固定资产总监 马赛克住宅,夏洛特,N.C.
  • 高级经理, 它是美国
  • 项目主任女孩公司. (N).Y.
  • 基金发展经理 The Community Builders, Boston, Mass.
  • 高级规划师, 马萨诸塞州伍斯特市.
  • Director of Organizational Effectiveness, 康涅狄格州布卢姆菲尔德的Foodshare.


Our faculty are engaged scholars and practitioners who work with state and city governments as well as community development corporations and nonprofits. They will help you chart your career path, introducing you to internships in the community and a broad professional network.

Explore the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice