

GOLD stands for “Graduates of the Last Decade,” those crucial first 10 years after graduation when Clarkies are getting established in life and careers. The 黄金协会 consists of 20 to 30 young alumni spanning class years from the previous decade. 立法会成员主持活动, 担任委员会成员, 参与大学活动, and otherwise engage with the Clark community.


  • Maximizing the impact of the University’s most recent graduates
  • Increasing young alumni engagement in Clark events and initiatives
  • 鼓励 同学做志愿者
  • Helping to grow annual philanthropic support among recent graduates


  • 学生和青年校友参与
  • 市场推广及传播
  • 慈善事业


Alex Turgeon的照片

亚历克斯·特金16届,17届MBA (他/他)


Alex graduated from 太阳城娱乐 in 2016 with a B.A. 工商管理, minoring in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 随后在2017年获得MBA学位, 专注于市场营销, 信息管理, 和商业分析.

Alex is currently the CEO of Valere Digital & Valere实验室的增长主管, 建筑, 启动, and scaling over 100+ successful web and mobile applications. 之前, Alex co-founded the technology startup WooConnect, empowered the rise of the digital citizen as a strategic management consultant for the management consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, 并创立了Valere Digital(原Valere Digital) 第一个脉冲), 数字化体验, 市场营销, and creative services agency whose work has yielded millions in revenue, 下载, 增加资金.

In honor of Alex’s contributions to improving students’ collegiate experience while at Clark, he received the Russ Granger Award and the Outstanding Contribution to Student Life Award in 2016. Alex has continued to support Clark initiatives as an advisor on the Entrepreneurship & 创新顾问委员会, guest lecturer and 校友 mentor for the School of Management, 黄金理事会联席主席, the young alumni representative of The Clark Fund Advisory Board and 校友理事会, and planning member of the 2016 团聚 Committee.


艾米丽·考库佐18届,19届MBA (她/她)

艾米丽Cocuzzo is currently a Senior Management Consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, where she leverages data analytics and visualizations, 策略, and change management to drive impactful change for the government and empower our citizens. She is also an adjunct professor at 太阳城娱乐, where she teaches about 建筑 businesses and crafting investor pitch decks in the startup space. 工作之余, Emilee serves on several nonprofit young professional boards and volunteers frequently in the community. An avid sports fan, she is also a community owner of the Minnesota Aurora FC.

太阳城娱乐期间, 她领导组织, such as the Worcester Student Government Association (WSGA), 演讲者的论坛, and the Clark Entrepreneurship Club (CEC). She also founded and led the 太阳城娱乐 Consulting Group (CUCG). 除了, she was also involved in the Student 校友 Relations Committee (SARC), 同伴的建议, and Student Council while also working on-campus jobs and interning at local companies.

艾米丽只得了B.A. in Management and Entrepreneurship and an MBA with a concentration in 信息管理 和商业分析 from 太阳城娱乐. Emilee is honored to serve on the 黄金协会, and she looks forward to giving back to the Clark community!


帕克·弗里德曼,21届 (他/他)

Parker Freedman graduated from Clark in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Management. He played basketball as a freshman and sophomore, and was a member of the 太阳城娱乐 Investments and Trading Society (CUITS), where he served as president during his junior and senior years. One of his favorite Clark experiences was the creation of the CUITS fireside chat events, a weekly interview series with notable guests such as Marc Lasry, 耶底底亚柯林斯, 奥拉朱旺水手, 希瑟·汉森, 和米奇·泰勒.

毕业后, Parker started working at Profectus Financial Partners where he helps people plan for a successful retirement. His favorite part of the job is helping people problem solve and creating long-lasting relationships.

Parker joined the 黄金协会 after graduating and believes in giving back to Clark. He aims to create a sense of community among young alumni and encourage connection and participation in on campus activities. He is excited to step into the Co-chair leadership role to have a more direct impact on the GOLD community.

在他空闲的时候, 帕克喜欢看漫画书, going to breweries with his fiancé (also a Clarkie), and spending time with his friends and family.


  • 贾斯汀·伯拉德' 19,圣地亚哥,加州
  • Drashhti Bilimoria ’21, MBA ’22, Hapeville, GA
  • emily Cocuzzo ' 18, MBA ' 19,波士顿,马萨诸塞州
  • 大卫·米. 16号玉米,伦敦德里,新罕布什尔州
  • Manning DelColgliano ' 23, M.S. 1924年,马萨诸塞州伍斯特
  • Ben DiFilippi ’21, MBA ’22, Brooklyn, NY
  • 帕克·弗里德曼(Parker Freedman), 21岁,来自康涅狄格州的Killingly
  • Andrés Gvirtz ’18, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Taylor Laflamme ' 23, M.S. 1924年,马萨诸塞州伍斯特
  • Faaiz Masood ' 20,马萨诸塞州萨默维尔
  • Ana Mercado Roque ’19, New Brunswick, NJ
  • Abdur Rahman Muhammad ’20, New York, NY
  • 朱利安- X. 墨菲,17岁,男.S. 18年,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州
  • Courtney Pharr ’17, MHS ’19, Baltimore, MD
  • Anabel Riggio ' 22, MPA ' 23,奥克兰,新泽西
  • Utkristaa Shrestha ' 20,费尔菲尔德,康涅狄格州
  • Gabrielle Totten ’19, MBA ’20, New York, NY
  • Alex Turgeon ' 16, MBA ' 17,霍顿,MA
  • 米歇尔·Y. Yun ' 18, MBA ' 19,伊利诺伊州埃尔金



金块 began in 2019 to help young alumni stay connected. This e-newsletter features 黄金协会 updates, 年轻校友的简介和文章, 以及即将到来的活动.



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The 黄金协会 meets on a quarterly basis to discuss current initiatives, how to support Clark and its current students, 了解委员会工作的最新情况, and determine the most effective ways to connect with fellow GOLD alumni.



If you have a general question about the 黄金协会, want to share feedback or an event idea, or if you’re interested in applying to serve on the council, please fill out this interest form or email gold_council@zxunweb.com.


