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Quarterly Update on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts

To the University Community:

在太阳城娱乐城,我们解决多样性、公平、包容和归属感的工作是一项持续的努力. Following is a quarterly snapshot of key advancements in this area. 有关正在进行的计划的定期更新和更多信息,请务必访问我们的 DEI website.

Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Leadership Named

 On September 7, President Fithian announced the appointment of Margo R. Foreman, MPH as the University’s next vice president and chief officer of diversity, equity, and inclusion (CODEI).  As CODEI, Margo将向菲希安校长汇报工作,并担任大学的高级领导团队. 她将监督我们的集体工作,以发展和实施推进DEI的战略愿景和举措. She will join Clark on October 15.

Margo带着20年启发和推动高等教育DEI项目的经验来到太阳城娱乐. Currently, she is interim vice president for Currently, Margo is interim vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion and assistant vice president for diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity at Iowa State University. During her tenure there, 她在许多方面推动了她的机构向前发展——从多元化招聘到留用, to collaboration with affinity groups, to campus climate reporting, and engagement, dialogue, and trust-building with faculty, students, and staff. 在爱荷华州立大学和之前在印第安纳大学-普渡大学印第安纳波利斯分校(IUPUI), Margo负责《太阳城娱乐》和《太阳城娱乐城》的遵守以及劳动力多样性和平等就业机会项目.

We also are pleased to share that the university has engaged Margo Okazawa-Rey 以顾问的身份支持Margo Foreman和ODI,因为我们的新CODI重新建立了办公室的愿景, roles, and activities.  Okazawa-Rey是一位社会正义活动家,也是旧金山州立大学的名誉教授, best known for her work as a founding member of the Combahee River Collective and for her transnational feminist advocacy. 在接下来的几个月里,她将在确定和推进ODI工作方面担任Foreman的配角.

Implementing the Task Force on Campus Safety and Security Recommendations

 On June 15, the Task Force on Campus Safety & Security submitted to President Fithian its recommendations for enhancing the feeling of safety on campus – particularly for our students; moving toward a new model of campus policing; and building trust between the community and our University Police. The 10 recommendations are wide-ranging with specific action steps aimed at:

  1. 减少校园公共场所和住宅场所的武装人员, 包括将太阳城娱乐警察局搬迁到校园外围,并建立一个社区服务文职单位,以响应服务电话,而不需要穿武装制服的警察.
  2. 建立机制,加强与警务有关的问责制和透明度, 包括成立一个由多方组成的咨询委员会,以监测和监督工作队报告的执行情况.
  3. 加强太阳城娱乐警察、学生、教职员工之间的关系

大部分建议已全面实施或正在进行中(see items under Campus Policing and Security). Others are actively in progress.

Student Leadership

Clark students have played significant roles on many fronts related to DEI. 他们的领导力,无论是作为个人还是作为组织的代表,包括黑人学生会, the Clark University Student Council, and the Graduate Council – has been critical. 学生代表参加了遴选委员会,以确定大学关键领导职位的最佳候选人, including Margo R. Foreman as Vice President and CODEI. Student representatives also served as members of the Task Force on Campus Safety & Security and, pending nominations, will serve on the advisory committee overseeing implementation of the task force’s recommendations.

President’s Achievement Award for Inclusive Excellence, Spring 2021

The President’s Achievement Awards for Inclusive Excellence honor individuals, groups, 以及在太阳城娱乐和更广泛的伍斯特社区中为推进包容性卓越做出模范贡献的项目. 包容性卓越以公平、包容和多样性为核心制度价值. Congratulations and sincere gratitude to the spring 2021 recipients of this important recognition:

Student Group: Rise for Racial Justice (led by Ahiela Watson, Kadijha Kuanda, Inonge Kaloustian, Gloria Anderson, Grace Williams, Sofía Bishop, Faridat Dangbe, Mikayla Dotson, Eunice Dollete, Ivette Mendoza, Domenica Cevallos, Jackie Madrigal, Kaila Skeet-Browning, Yasmine Lalkaka, Danie Black, Jackie Pawlak, Akeisha Latch, Sophia Stewart-Chapman, Q Quinoñes, Heidy Coronel, Lia Tang, Kathryn Jeffreys, Juveriah Hussain)

Student: Jackie Madrigal

Faculty: Rosalie Torres Stone

Staff: Denisha Parks

Student Support

 There have been a number of advancements within Student Affairs, including:

  • The appointment of Maria-Elisa Gallant as Assistant Director of Student Leadership & Programming, 一个重新设想的职位现在专注于支持以文化和身份为重点的学生组织和俱乐部, and offering awareness month celebration and other programming.
  • 设立一个发展指标专业工作人员委员会,负责围绕发展指标举办讲习班,并设计一种评估工具,以评价住房选择等领域有关公平的倡议, conduct, and resident advisor selection.
  • 在新生入学期间,在达纳公地增加了一个多元文化俱乐部博览会,其中包括来自多个基于身份的学生组织的表格, including international student groups and CAIC, 以及让学生有机会与多元文化的第一代学生成功计划和多样性办公室联系 & Inclusion.
  • 推出教务处咖啡券和联系项目,建立教务处员工和学生之间的联系.
  • 设立学生院长紧急基金,以更积极和精简的方式解决学生的经济和粮食不安全需求.

Announcing CU Advance, A New Mentorship and Leadership Development Program

 我们很高兴地宣布,一项新的导师和领导力发展计划将在未来三年内在D 'Army Bailey多元化基金的支持下播种.

CU Advance is a goals-centered mentorship program being piloted with faculty, staff, and students of color. The mission of this program is to facilitate a network of resources, mentorship, leadership development, 以及指导机会,以支持太阳城娱乐的有色人种教职员工朝着他们的职业目标前进, 并在BIPOC教职员工和BIPOC学生之间建立更清晰、更有条理的代际指导结构.


认识到一年级本科国际学生的需求,他们必须驾驭美国大学生活的新景观.S., the International Student Rights Coalition (ISRC), the Center for Gender, Race, and Area Studies (CGRAS), 和学院院长合作创建了一个第一年密集研讨会,专门讨论国际学生的经历. The course, “International Student Experience in U.S. Higher Education,由亚洲研究教授蒂兰·格里洛授课,由比较种族与民族研究项目提供.